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Flower Arrangements In Shallow Bowls

Flower Arrangements In Shallow Bowls
  • Product Code: AG101012
  • Availability: In Stock

$45.70 $66.27

Flower arrangements in shallow bowls are a popular choice for those who want to create a simple yet elegant centerpiece. Shallow bowls are perfect for showcasing the beauty of flowers, as they allow the blooms to be seen from all angles. When creating a flower arrangement in a shallow bowl, it is important to choose flowers that are not too tall or too heavy, as they may tip over. Instead, opt for smaller blooms such as roses, daisies, or carnations, and arrange them in a circular pattern. You can also add greenery or filler flowers to create a fuller look. To keep the flowers fresh, change the water every few days and trim the stems as needed. With a little creativity and attention to detail, you can create a stunning flower arrangement in a shallow bowl that will impress your guests and add a touch of beauty to any room.

flower arrangements in shallow bowls

About This Product:

Realistic appearanc:Our artificial flower arrangements in shallow bowls are made of high-quality silk material that looks and feels like real flowers. They are perfect for adding a touch of elegance and beauty to any event or space.

Customizabl:Our flower arrangements are available in different sizes, colors, and styles, making them customizable to fit any occasion or event. We also offer customized options to meet specific customer needs.

Durable and long-lastin:Our artificial flower arrangements are made of high-quality silk material that is durable and long-lasting. They can withstand wear and tear, making them perfect for long-term use.

Versatil:Our flower arrangements can be used for a variety of occasions, including weddings, parties, home decor, hotel decor, office decor, and more. They are also perfect for DIY projects and can be easily incorporated into any design.

Affordabl:Our artificial flower arrangements are an affordable alternative to real flowers. They offer the same beauty and elegance as real flowers but at a fraction of the cost. They are also low maintenance, making them a cost-effective option for long-term use.

Product Parameters
Typewedding decor flower ball match same flower row
OriginMainland China
styleartificial wedding floral ball match flower row
package1 piece flower (without vase)
festival 1Christmas/New year/Wedding/Valentine's Day
festival 2Thanksgiving day/ party/Mother's day/Father's day
festival3Back to school/Earth day/Graduation/New year
occasionDIY Wedding/party/home/hotel/house/table/office/event/ceremony
WholesalesWholesales flower available
typewedding flower wall/flower row/tabel centerpiece flower

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Related technologies:

1. Lightweight Materials: Artificial flower decorations for shallow bowls are now being made with lightweight materials such as foam, paper, and fabric. These materials are easy to manipulate and can be shaped to fit any bowl size or shape.

2. Realistic Textures: The latest application technologies for artificial flower decorations in shallow bowls include the use of realistic textures. These textures mimic the look and feel of real flowers, making the arrangements look more natural and lifelike.

3. Customizable Designs: With the use of 3D printing technology, artificial flower decorations can now be customized to fit any design or theme. This allows for more creative and unique arrangements that can be tailored to specific events or occasions.

4. LED Lighting: LED lighting is now being incorporated into artificial flower decorations for shallow bowls. This technology adds a new dimension to the arrangements, creating a beautiful and eye-catching display that can be used for both day and night events.

5. Water-resistant Coatings: To make artificial flower decorations more durable and long-lasting, water-resistant coatings are being applied to the materials. This allows the arrangements to be used in outdoor settings or in areas where they may be exposed to moisture without being damaged.

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Product Advantages:

1. Long-lasting: Artificial flower decorations are long-lasting and do not wilt or die like real flowers. This makes them perfect for flower arrangements in shallow bowls as they can be displayed for a longer period of time without the need for constant replacement.

2. Low maintenance: Unlike real flowers, artificial flower decorations do not require any special care or maintenance. They do not need to be watered, trimmed, or fertilized, which makes them ideal for flower arrangements in shallow bowls that may not have enough space for a water source.

3. Versatile: Artificial flower decorations come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, which makes them perfect for creating unique and creative flower arrangements in shallow bowls. They can be easily manipulated to fit any design or theme, and can be reused for different occasions.

4. Cost-effective: Artificial flower decorations are generally less expensive than real flowers, especially if you consider the cost of replacing real flowers frequently. This makes them a cost-effective option for flower arrangements in shallow bowls, especially for events or occasions that require a large number of arrangements.

5. Allergy-free: Some people may have allergies to real flowers, which can make it difficult for them to enjoy flower arrangements. Artificial flower decorations are allergy-free, which makes them a great alternative for flower arrangements in shallow bowls that can be enjoyed by everyone without any health concerns.

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Related accessories:

1. Floral Foam: Floral foam is a must-have accessory for creating flower arrangements in shallow bowls. It is a type of foam that absorbs water and keeps the flowers hydrated. The foam can be cut to fit the shape of the bowl and placed at the bottom. It provides a stable base for the flowers and helps to keep them in place.

2. Waterproof Tape: Waterproof tape is another essential accessory for creating flower arrangements in shallow bowls. It is used to secure the floral foam to the bottom of the bowl and prevent it from moving around. The tape is also used to create a grid pattern on top of the foam, which helps to keep the flowers in place and maintain their shape.

3. Floral Picks: Floral picks are small sticks with a pointed end that are used to attach flowers to the foam. They are inserted into the stem of the flower and then pushed into the foam. Floral picks are especially useful for securing delicate flowers or for creating a cascading effect in the arrangement.

4. Decorative Stones: Decorative stones are a great accessory for adding a finishing touch to flower arrangements in shallow bowls. They can be placed on top of the floral foam to cover it up and create a more natural look. Decorative stones come in a variety of colors and sizes, so you can choose the ones that best complement your flowers.

5. Floral Spray: Floral spray is a type of adhesive that is used to keep the flowers looking fresh and vibrant. It is sprayed directly onto the flowers and helps to prevent them from wilting or fading. Floral spray is especially useful for flower arrangements that will be on display for an extended period of time.

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Product features:

As an artificial flower decorations product development expert, I would recommend the following four features for flower arrangements in shallow bowls:

1. Realistic appearance: The artificial flowers used in the arrangements should have a realistic appearance to mimic the look of fresh flowers. This can be achieved by using high-quality materials and paying attention to details such as color, texture, and shape.

2. Versatility: The flower arrangements should be versatile enough to suit different occasions and settings. This can be achieved by using a variety of flowers and colors that can be mixed and matched to create different looks.

3. Durability: The artificial flowers used in the arrangements should be durable enough to withstand regular handling and cleaning. This can be achieved by using materials that are resistant to fading, discoloration, and damage from moisture or sunlight.

4. Easy maintenance: The flower arrangements should be easy to maintain and clean. This can be achieved by using materials that are easy to wipe clean or wash, and by designing the arrangements in a way that allows for easy access to all the flowers and components.

By incorporating these features into the design of artificial flower arrangements in shallow bowls, we can create products that are not only beautiful and realistic but also practical and long-lasting. These features will appeal to customers who want to enjoy the beauty of flowers without the hassle of regular maintenance and replacement.

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Product parameters:

Product Feature

flower arrangements in shallow bowls6 flower arrangements in shallow bowls7 flower arrangements in shallow bowls8 flower arrangements in shallow bowls9 flower arrangements in shallow bowls10

These flower arrangements in shallow bowls are a game-changer! They make such a statement and are a great conversation starter. Love them!


I am in love with these flower arrangements in shallow bowls! They are so versatile and can be placed anywhere. The quality is top-notch.


I love the unique concept of flower arrangements in shallow bowls. It adds a modern touch to any space. Great quality and beautiful designs.


I received so many compliments on these flower arrangements in shallow bowls. They are a great way to showcase flowers and create a stunning centerpiece.


The flower arrangements in shallow bowls are a great alternative to traditional vases. They are stylish, modern, and add a pop of color to any space.


I can't get enough of these flower arrangements in shallow bowls! They are so unique and eye-catching. Definitely worth the investment.


Absolutely stunning flower arrangements in shallow bowls! The colors and variety of flowers used are just perfect. Highly recommend!


These flower arrangements in shallow bowls are a must-have for any flower lover. They are beautifully designed and add a touch of sophistication to any room.


The flower arrangements in shallow bowls are so elegant and sophisticated. They bring a touch of nature indoors and brighten up any room.


The flower arrangements in shallow bowls are a perfect addition to my home decor. They are beautifully crafted and add a touch of elegance.


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